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Plugin Configuration Options


  • type array
  • default []

Defines the server side socket events to listen to.

Each server side event will be made up of the following properties

Event Properties


The handler property is the callback triggered when the event is emitted. It has the signature

 *  - ctx -> handler context.
 *    - strapi -> global strapi object.
 *    - io -> access to the io class.
 *    - socket -> access to the client side socket that triggered the event.
 *  - ...args -> arguments that were sent with the event.
handler({ strapi, io }, socket, ...args);
 *  - ctx -> handler context.
 *    - strapi -> global strapi object.
 *    - io -> access to the io class.
 *    - socket -> access to the client side socket that triggered the event.
 *  - ...args -> arguments that were sent with the event.
handler({ strapi, io }, socket, ...args);
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
	// ...
	io: {
		enabled: true,
		config: {
			events: [
					name: 'connection',
					handler({ strapi, io }, socket) {
						// will log whenever a socket connects`[io] new connection with id ${}`);
					name: 'custom-event-name',
					handler({ strapi, io }, socket, x, y) {
						// will log whenever 'custom-event-name' is called by a socket`[io] hello from custom event location ${x} ${y}`);
	// ...
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
	// ...
	io: {
		enabled: true,
		config: {
			events: [
					name: 'connection',
					handler({ strapi, io }, socket) {
						// will log whenever a socket connects`[io] new connection with id ${}`);
					name: 'custom-event-name',
					handler({ strapi, io }, socket, x, y) {
						// will log whenever 'custom-event-name' is called by a socket`[io] hello from custom event location ${x} ${y}`);
	// ...


  • type object
  • default
	"socket": {
		"serverOptions": {
			"cors": { "origin": "", "methods": ["GET"] }
	"socket": {
		"serverOptions": {
			"cors": { "origin": "", "methods": ["GET"] }

Defines the server side socket settings.



The IO Server Socket Options. It is passed directly with no modification.

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
	// ...
	io: {
		enabled: true,
		config: {
			socket: {
				serverOptions: {
					cors: { origin: '', methods: ['GET', 'POST'] },
	// ...
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
	// ...
	io: {
		enabled: true,
		config: {
			socket: {
				serverOptions: {
					cors: { origin: '', methods: ['GET', 'POST'] },
	// ...


  • type object
  • default {}

Hooks are similar in concept to model lifecyces in strapi. They are functions called at specific points in the plugin lifecycle.

Supported Hooks


The init hook is called right after the io Server instance is constructed. It is used to add any additional options to the io instance. A common use case for this are server adapters

The init hook has the following signature

 *  - ctx -> hook context.
 *    - strapi -> global strapi object.
 *    - io -> access to the io class.
init({ strapi, io });
 *  - ctx -> hook context.
 *    - strapi -> global strapi object.
 *    - io -> access to the io class.
init({ strapi, io });
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
	// ...
	io: {
		enabled: true,
		config: {
			hooks: {
				init({ io }) {
					// adds a redis adapter to the server scker
					const pubClient = createClient({ url: 'redis://localhost:6379' });
					const subClient = pubClient.duplicate();
					io.server().adapter(createAdapter(pubClient, subClient));
	// ...
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
	// ...
	io: {
		enabled: true,
		config: {
			hooks: {
				init({ io }) {
					// adds a redis adapter to the server scker
					const pubClient = createClient({ url: 'redis://localhost:6379' });
					const subClient = pubClient.duplicate();
					io.server().adapter(createAdapter(pubClient, subClient));
	// ...