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IO Class

The io class represents the server socket instance and is accessibe on the strapi object as $io. (e.g. strapi.$io).



The emit method sends data to all roles/tokens that have permission for the content types action that triggered the action. The current supported actions are create,update, and delete.

All auto events emitted are namespaced by the content types singularName followed by the action in the format of singularName:action (i.e. article:create).

The emit method will automatically sanitize and transform the output before sending to the appropriate rooms.


The emit function has the following signature

 *  - ctx -> emit context.
 *    - event -> the emit action (e.g. create, update etc), the permission for the role is based on this value.
 *    - schema -> the content type model for the data provided.
 *    - data -> data to be emitted.
emit({ event, schema, data });
 *  - ctx -> emit context.
 *    - event -> the emit action (e.g. create, update etc), the permission for the role is based on this value.
 *    - schema -> the content type model for the data provided.
 *    - data -> data to be emitted.
emit({ event, schema, data });
// built in action
strapi.$io.emit({ event: 'update', schema, data });

// custom action
strapi.$io.emit({ event: 'customAction', schema, data });
// built in action
strapi.$io.emit({ event: 'update', schema, data });

// custom action
strapi.$io.emit({ event: 'customAction', schema, data });


The raw method lets you emit events with any name and data you may want.


It will NOT sanitize or transform the data, whatever it receives will be emitted.

The function has the following signature

 *  - ctx -> raw emit context.
 *    - event -> the event to emit.
 *    - rooms -> the rooms to emit to.
 *    - data -> data to be emitted.
raw({ event, rooms, data });
 *  - ctx -> raw emit context.
 *    - event -> the event to emit.
 *    - rooms -> the rooms to emit to.
 *    - data -> data to be emitted.
raw({ event, rooms, data });
// emit to all rooms
strapi.$io.raw({ event: 'update:custom', data: { message: 'hello' } });

// emit to specific room
strapi.$io.raw({ event: 'lorem-ipsum', rooms: ['r1', 'r2'], data: { message: 'hello' } });
// emit to all rooms
strapi.$io.raw({ event: 'update:custom', data: { message: 'hello' } });

// emit to specific room
strapi.$io.raw({ event: 'lorem-ipsum', rooms: ['r1', 'r2'], data: { message: 'hello' } });

Event Signature

The events emitted from the raw and emit functions have the following event signature.

socket.on(eventName, { data });
socket.on(eventName, { data });
// ..
strapi.$io.emit({ event: 'create', schema, data });
// ..
strapi.$io.emit({ event: 'create', schema, data });
// ..
socket.on('article:create', ({ data }) => {
	console.log({ data });
// ..
socket.on('article:create', ({ data }) => {
	console.log({ data });